NAS 上创建 YACReader 服务器

Here is what I did to install YAC Reader Library Server on my Synology NAS (DS418play):

Step 1 - Install Docker

You must first install Docker on your Synology NAS.

If your Synology model does not officially support Docker, you can side-load it by downloading the spk here (as of 2022-08-03 the latest version is Docker-x64-20.10.3-1306.spk):

Step 2 - Install the YAC Reader Library Server Container

In Synology DSM, open the Docker package that you installed in step 1, then select Registry in the side-menu and search for the term "YACReaderLibrary". There will be several results. I used this one: "Mullion/yacreaderlibrary-server-docker"

Double-click it to download the image, then select Image in the Docker side-menu and you should see it listed there (you may have to wait for it to finish downloading).

Double-click the image to install the container, then follow these steps:

a) Network: Specify the network for this container. I selected "Use the same network as Docker Host". Click Next.

b) General Settings: I enabled auto-restart. Click Next.

c) Volume Settings: Click Add Folder then navigate to your comic library and select it. For the mount path I used "/comics". Click Next.

d) Summary: Click Done.

Step 3 - Set up YAC Reader Library Server

Select Container in the Docker side-menu, then double-click on the container we just installed to view its details. Click on Terminal, then Create to add a bash terminal. Click bash in the side menu, then enter the following commands in the terminal as needed:

Create a new library:

YACReaderLibraryServer create-library LibraryName /comics

Refresh your library (do this after adding/removing comics):

YACReaderLibraryServer update-library /comics

List all existing YACReader libraries:

YACReaderLibraryServer list-libraries

Remove a library:

YACReaderLibraryServer remove-library LibraryName

LibraryName = whichever name you give your library.
/comics = this is the "mount path" that we designated in step 2c.

These steps worked for me. Good luck!



Create a new library:

YACReaderLibraryServer create-library LibraryName /comics

Refresh your library (do this after adding/removing comics):

YACReaderLibraryServer update-library /comics

List all existing YACReader libraries:

YACReaderLibraryServer list-libraries

Remove a library:

YACReaderLibraryServer remove-library LibraryName











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